The aim of this PhD course is to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of neural development and to discuss state-of-the-art techniques, in vitro and animal models that can be used to study the developing nervous system.
Organising institute: Brain Center, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht Dates: 8-12 november 2021 Registration through: Duration of the course: 1,5 ECTs Maximum number of participants: 40 Accessible for: Brain Center PhD candidates (and ONWAR PhD students) Costs: free of charge
This PhD course is divided into five days (8-12 november 2021) with both ‘online’ and ‘live’ sessions and covers various aspects that are imperative for studying neural development in health and disease. The focus will be on electrophysiological, omics and in vitro technical approaches. Each day there will be at least two lectures, which will be mixed with interactive assignments.
The preliminary list of speakers:
Prof. Takao Hensch (Harvard University, Neurology, Molecular & Cellular Biology)
Em. Prof. Peter Burbach (UMC Utrecht Brain Center, Translational Neuroscience)
Prof. Sten Linnarsson (Karolinksa, Molecular Neurobiology)
Dr. Nael Nadif Kasri (Radboud University, Donders Center for Medical Neurosciences)
Prof. Thomas Quatieri (MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Biotechnology and Human Systems)
Dr. Jeroen Dudink (UMC Utrecht Brain Center, Wilhelmina Childrens Hospital, Neonatology)
Dr. Corette Wierenga (Utrecht University, Cell Biology)
Prof. Manon Benders (UMC Utrecht Brain Center, Wilhelmina Childrens Hospital, Neonatology)
Prof. Jeroen Pasterkamp (UMC Utrecht Brain Center, Translational Neuroscience)