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Adan lab

Prof. dr. Roger Adan
My main position is in the department of Translational Neuroscience, UMC Utrecht Brain Center. I am also a scientific advisor at Rintveld Eating disorder clinic, Altrecht, Zeist, guest professor at the department of Neuroscience and Physiology of Sahlgrenska Academy of the University of Gothenburg, and expert at EFSA’s working group “Added Sugars”. My research focus is on deconstructing the mechanisms underlying eating behaviour, since this is a natural behaviour ideally suited to dissecting the neural circuits that underlie decision-making, anxiety, impulsivity and reward seeking. I am devoted to unravel mechanisms underlying eating disorders. Besides understanding what circuits underlie obesity, the main topic is to unravel the neurocircuitry that underlies Anorexia Nervosa.
Mieneke Luijendijk
Animal facility manager
My main task is that the work in the animal facility can continue. Important tasks are the laboratory animal administration, annual reporting to the IvD/NVWA on the number of animals used, supervising compliance with the rules, animal welfare, training of animal workers on new techniques and managing animal care and support staff. In addition, I support researchers in performing operations on rats and/or mice and conducting experiments.
Stereotactic surgery, Behavioral tasks, Anorexia Nervosa mouse model all in rats and mice
Fabien Ducrocq
My research aim at identifying neuronal populations that drive symptoms such as decreased feeding and hyperactivity linked to the development of Anorexia Nervosa in a laboratory mouse model.
Slice electrophysiology, Anorexia Nervosa mouse model, Reward processing
Eileen Brouwer
PhD student
My research project aims to unravel neuronal alterations in Anorexia Nervosa using the activity-based anorexia mouse model.
Activity-based anorexia model, immunocytochemistry, scRNAseq
Nick Papavoine
PhD candidate
My research focus is to unravel the effects of leptin on hyperactivity observed in Anorexia Nervosa. Therefore, I am aiming to identify the neuronal populations mediating leptins effect in observed hyperactivity in the Activity-based Anorexia mode
Fiber photometry, Activity-based anorexia model, pharmacological manipulations
Bart Lodder
PhD student supervised by Prof. Bernardo Sabatini, located at Harvard Medical school
My research aims to understand the heterogeneity of dopamine signaling in the nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum, through development and implementation of novel optical methods like tapered photometry and Fluorescent lifetime photometry.
Dopamine, Nucleus accumbens, Dorsal striatum, Tapered photometry, Fluorescent lifetime photometry
Iris Stoltenborg
PhD student
I’m conducting my research at Gothenburg University in Sweden, where Roger A. H. Adan is a guest professor. The aim of my research project in the lab of Suzanne Dickson (under the supervision of Roger) is to target and further unravel which neurons and pathways are engaged by orexigenic stimuli such as the hunger hormone ghrelin and food cues.
Transgenic mouse models, RNAscope, DREADDs

Onur Basak

Dr. Onur Başak
How does the diversity of the brain emerge? Can we define molecular basis for the functional diversity of our brain? These curiosity-driven questions have led my path, which started as a molecular biologist and to the fields of developmental neuroscience and adult somatic stem cells. My group employs organoids, mouse genetics and single cell genomics to study the development and diversity of the brain.
mouse genetics, organoids, single cell genomics, neural stem cells
Tiziana Hey, MSc
PhD student
Generating a single cell RNAseq/ChIC-seq reference atlas of the adult mouse VTA as part of the BRAINSCAPES consortium and determining how histone methylation contributes to the cellular heterogeneity and long term differences in perturbation within the reward system.
Single-cell omics, immunohistochemistry, Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA), cell/nuclei isolation from mouse brain.
Keith Garner
Senior Research Technician
Assisting the group primarily with cell culture, molecular biology and genotyping. Master of modified lenti- and AAV viruses. His new hobby is the cell/nuclei sorting.

Kimberly Siletti

Dr. Kimberly Siletti
I am a single cell biologist who wants to understand the cellular heterogeneity of the brain.
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