Prof. dr. Roger Adan

Prof. dr. Roger Adan
My main position is in the department of Translational Neuroscience, UMC Utrecht Brain Center. I am also a scientific advisor at Rintveld Eating disorder clinic, Altrecht, Zeist, guest professor at the department of Neuroscience and Physiology of Sahlgrenska Academy of the University of Gothenburg, and expert at EFSA’s working group “Added Sugars”. My research focus is on deconstructing the mechanisms underlying eating behaviour, since this is a natural behaviour ideally suited to dissecting the neural circuits that underlie decision-making, anxiety, impulsivity and reward seeking. I am devoted to unravel mechanisms underlying eating disorders. Besides understanding what circuits underlie obesity, the main topic is to unravel the neurocircuitry that underlies Anorexia Nervosa.
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